This Photograph Caused a Car Crash

Small Skellig is in the Atlantic Ocean. Who would think it could cause a car collision all the way out there? My new gallery is on one of the key roads into the centre of Killarney in Co. Kerry. It's at a point where traffic has to slow down considerably. The road narrows and there is a junction ahead. It means cars often crawl past the gallery. Sometimes, the drivers glance at the prints on display in the windows. Sometimes, a glance becomes a proper look. Recently, a proper look became a minor collision. The driver of one car drove into the back of another car just outside the gallery.

Eyes on the road, not Small Skellig

Really, there is only one proper place to be looking when you are driving and I take no responsibility for the collision. I do, though, take a tiny bit of pleasure in knowing that the photograph above is so magnetic it stops traffic, albeit in a fender bender kind of way. If you'd like to own a print, just click this link and you'll be taken to the order page: Small Skellig, Co. Kerry. (Just don't hang it in sight of a road.)
Little Skellig in the Raging Atlantic
Little Skellig in the Raging Atlantic

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