Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry

Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry
Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry

Lough Leane under the Aurora, Killarney, Kerry

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In May 2024, Ireland was treated to a spectacular show of the Northern Lights. Amazingly, it was also a clear night! This is one of my favourite scenes in Killarney - looking out over the peaceful waters of Lough Leane at Purple and Tomies Mountains.

Seeing this vista under the spectacular purples and greens of the Aurora was an experience I'll never forget.

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